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Spreading Hugs. Revised.






You can never have too much hugs. Go hug someone out there today!!!

So… Just Love!


This here is an art made by using Crayola crayons and a hair dryer. Just melt them. Yes, MELT!

There are times when we feel down or angry or mad or basically ‘not so great’, just get up and just LOVE. You could give someone a hug or maybe cook for a special person, maybe even bake cookies for your neighbors. The idea here is to not focus on whatever “crappy” feelings your feeling and focus on creating something positive instead. It feels so much better for yourself and the other person.

So, go on and LOVE someone today, everyday!!!

Benjamin Zander: Classical music with shining eyes

Benjamin Zander has two infectious passions: classical music, and helping us all realize our untapped love for it — and by extension, our untapped love for all new possibilities, new experiences, new connections.

I truly believe that the beauty of this video is that it can be applied to anything in life and the things we do.

Children and an Umbrella: The Sequel

“Defense Cooperation”
Artist: Sutatip M.
Location: Petchaboon, Thailand
Age: 16
“In my picture people around the world play together to protect the world. Similarly, there is an umbrella to protect against solar rays. A nuclear weapon is a mass destructive weapon from which many living things will be affected. People from different nations come together to sweep away nuclear weapons so as to create peace for our future.”

 We can be the “umbrella” that shields, that protects. We can create the peace that we all sought for, fight for. We can stop wars, we can create the future we envisioned by starting now with us.

It’s great to see the world like children, where everything is a possible, friends can be made through passing crayons in kindergarten or a simple game of hide and seek. Where there is no barriers, no walls and no discrimination due to a difference of color or religion.

So I challenge you to give yourself an hour to see the world like a child again and interact with others, without the walls and barriers around you. Shake hands with the security guard whose name you never knew, say thank you to someone who is special to you. As your neighbor how’d they do, or go up a stranger and offer a hug.

Peace and Unity begins with us. It’s Now or Never.

Children and an Umbrella.

Children and an Umbrella.

Who cares if you’re different? Under the rain, without an umbrella, you still get wet.

Share A Cookie!


Yes, you’ve read the title right. I’m urging YOU to share a cookie or a whole batch with someone. It can be a neighbor, friend, even a total stranger. While you’re at it, take your time to talk to them. Get to know them. You’d be surprised at the bonds you create and strengthen.

Feeling adventurous? Make those cookies yourself (I am a chef after all)!!! And I have the perfect recipes for you. All credits goes to Kate Miss and Karina.

For an AMAZING chocolate chip recipe>>> Click Here

For a GLUTEN FREE chocolate chip recipe>>> Click Here

Go spread cookie peace!!!!


One Huge Family.

I remember when I was interning at a resort in Langkawi, one of the chef’s, called Abang ( a Malay word which means Big Brother) Hairi, told me this, “No matter where you go, once you step into the kitchen to work, everyone is family.” I believe his wise words really reflect on everyone, everywhere and not just the kitchen. Treating everyone as family, regardless of anything else, unites everyone towards a common goal. Laughing together, working together and having crazy moments are all great experiences. So, what’s your amazing experience?? Leave a comment and share to the world.



“No matter where you go, once you step into the kitchen to work, everyone is family.”



Working together.


Creating moments together.


Spreading Hugs.


Hugging is a great cause you’ve gotta give one to get one. A bigger reason, it is the most simplest way to show a person you care about that you are there. It is really of great comfort. When is the last time you gave a loved one a full body hug? Go give someone a hug. You’ll realize how great it’ll be for both of you.


The Hugging Mother, Amritapuri Ashram

Love of Food.

Okay. Here’s a fact. We, Malaysians, love LOVE our food. From the tantalizing nasi lemak, to the aromatic curry laksa, not to mention the common staple at all mamak stalls, Roti Canai.

I love food because it is always a great way of connecting with others. I remember buying kuihs and apams from the mak ciks and pak ciks at the road, joking with them and asking bout their day. I remember sitting at my mum’s friend house and the mak cik give me important Rendang cooking tips. I remember hanging out with my gang of friends (a diverse and tight group we are) at the mamak behind Times Square, laughing our butts off and giving each other a reality check.

My sweetest memory of bonding through food is the time when I was little, sitting at the kitchen floor with the family and eating DURIANS. You’d be surprised that a single cupcake can result in having a very memorable friend.

So, what’s your most memorable “food bonding” story?