Category Archives: Photography

Say No To WAR!



Children and an Umbrella: The Sequel

“Defense Cooperation”
Artist: Sutatip M.
Location: Petchaboon, Thailand
Age: 16
“In my picture people around the world play together to protect the world. Similarly, there is an umbrella to protect against solar rays. A nuclear weapon is a mass destructive weapon from which many living things will be affected. People from different nations come together to sweep away nuclear weapons so as to create peace for our future.”

 We can be the “umbrella” that shields, that protects. We can create the peace that we all sought for, fight for. We can stop wars, we can create the future we envisioned by starting now with us.

It’s great to see the world like children, where everything is a possible, friends can be made through passing crayons in kindergarten or a simple game of hide and seek. Where there is no barriers, no walls and no discrimination due to a difference of color or religion.

So I challenge you to give yourself an hour to see the world like a child again and interact with others, without the walls and barriers around you. Shake hands with the security guard whose name you never knew, say thank you to someone who is special to you. As your neighbor how’d they do, or go up a stranger and offer a hug.

Peace and Unity begins with us. It’s Now or Never.

Children and an Umbrella.

Children and an Umbrella.

Who cares if you’re different? Under the rain, without an umbrella, you still get wet.