Mum & Dad

Here’s a simple question. How long has it been that you have looked at your mum and dad?? And when I say “looked” I meant sitting across them and really look at them. What do you notice? Perhaps you noticed a lot more wrinkles or perhaps a scar or two, or maybe a beginning of dark circles forming under their eyes. Perhaps you’ve noticed how much they have aged, or maybe you noticed something about their eyes, is it tiredness, sadness, happiness?

So you’re here wondering, what’s this all about and what has it to do with a blog on Peace and Unity. Well simply because if you do not start creating the peace and unity within your own family, how do you expect to do the same towards the society and even the world? Personally what I’ve noticed is that having that understanding and honest relationship with your parents really affects every other relationship you have in the family, one way or another. SO lets do this little activity (sounds fun, ain’t it?). Sit across you mum, or dad or both of them. Look them in their eye (look not glare) and say “Thank you and I Love You.” Give them a big hug to end this little activity. If you want to, bring them out for dinner (or cook them dinner) or for movies before your hugs, Thank you’s and Love you’s.

So you may be thinking what is this really about?? APPRECIATION. When we do not even appreciate the ones close to us, how would we truly appreciate our fellow humans? Like the saying goes, “It all starts from one small step.”

Dear Mum and Dad, Thank You and I Love You.


Children and an Umbrella: The Sequel

“Defense Cooperation”
Artist: Sutatip M.
Location: Petchaboon, Thailand
Age: 16
“In my picture people around the world play together to protect the world. Similarly, there is an umbrella to protect against solar rays. A nuclear weapon is a mass destructive weapon from which many living things will be affected. People from different nations come together to sweep away nuclear weapons so as to create peace for our future.”

 We can be the “umbrella” that shields, that protects. We can create the peace that we all sought for, fight for. We can stop wars, we can create the future we envisioned by starting now with us.

It’s great to see the world like children, where everything is a possible, friends can be made through passing crayons in kindergarten or a simple game of hide and seek. Where there is no barriers, no walls and no discrimination due to a difference of color or religion.

So I challenge you to give yourself an hour to see the world like a child again and interact with others, without the walls and barriers around you. Shake hands with the security guard whose name you never knew, say thank you to someone who is special to you. As your neighbor how’d they do, or go up a stranger and offer a hug.

Peace and Unity begins with us. It’s Now or Never.

Children and an Umbrella.

Children and an Umbrella.

Who cares if you’re different? Under the rain, without an umbrella, you still get wet.

“Or, maybe, it’s you.”

Art Name: Someday
Artist: Haruka S.
Location: Cherry Hill, NJ, USA
Age: 17
“Maybe it is your child, or your grandchild、or much later, one who says bye to nuclear weapons.

Or, maybe, it’s you.”

Follow me for more art, food and actions you can take towards a more peaceful and united world..



Artist: Ai Y.
Location: Hiroshima Japan
Age: 16
“This is [the atomic bomb] Little Boy that was dropped on Hiroshima at 8:15 on August 6, 1945.
The senselessness of a bomb is expressed with a bird playing.
A wish for the abolition of nuclear weapons is sent to the world from Hiroshima, City of Peace.”

Follow me for more art, food and actions you can take towards a more peaceful and united world..

“UNITY” by Mac, a spray paint art.


Follow me for more amazing things to come…

Uncover Japan

Sixty-seven years ago on August 6th, the city of Hiroshima, Japan, woke up to a day that seemed like any other. By 8:15am, however, the unthinkable had occurred and Hiroshima’s residents became the victims of the world’s first atomic bombing.

View original post 415 more words

Peace, Love, Unity & ART!!


Get some inspiration and draw!!! Spread the ART!!!

Share A Cookie!


Yes, you’ve read the title right. I’m urging YOU to share a cookie or a whole batch with someone. It can be a neighbor, friend, even a total stranger. While you’re at it, take your time to talk to them. Get to know them. You’d be surprised at the bonds you create and strengthen.

Feeling adventurous? Make those cookies yourself (I am a chef after all)!!! And I have the perfect recipes for you. All credits goes to Kate Miss and Karina.

For an AMAZING chocolate chip recipe>>> Click Here

For a GLUTEN FREE chocolate chip recipe>>> Click Here

Go spread cookie peace!!!!


One Huge Family.

I remember when I was interning at a resort in Langkawi, one of the chef’s, called Abang ( a Malay word which means Big Brother) Hairi, told me this, “No matter where you go, once you step into the kitchen to work, everyone is family.” I believe his wise words really reflect on everyone, everywhere and not just the kitchen. Treating everyone as family, regardless of anything else, unites everyone towards a common goal. Laughing together, working together and having crazy moments are all great experiences. So, what’s your amazing experience?? Leave a comment and share to the world.



“No matter where you go, once you step into the kitchen to work, everyone is family.”



Working together.


Creating moments together.